Microbial Health: The Foundation of Your Well-being

Microbial health is gaining recognition as a critical factor in maintaining overall well-being. As research continues to uncover the profound impact of the trillions of microorganisms living within and on…

UV Radiation and Skin Health in South Africa

South Africa is a land of beauty, with abundant sunshine and diverse landscapes that range from deserts to coastal plains, savannahs to lush mountains. However, this incredible environment also brings…

5 Ways to Prevent Dry Skin in Winter

Winter is a season of warm sweaters, hot chocolate, and cosy cuddles in front of the fireplace. However, it also brings a significant challenge for our skin. The cold, dry…

Immune Boosting Tips for Summer

Summer is a magical time of the year. For most of us, this time of the year brings more positive attributes into our lives and allows us to enjoy each…
Humanity Needs CHD-FA

Why humanity needs CHD-FA™

CHD-FA™ – the only Fulvic Acid that has been subjected to costly antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, type 2 diabetes and cosmetic testing. Fulvic Acid is known as nature’s miracle molecule. Mother…
Boost Immune System - Exercise Often

5 Ways To Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Exercise, a healthy diet, a restful sleep, hydration, and high-quality CHD-FA™ supplements can make an enormous difference to how your body fights disease and recovers from infections. You’re not alone…
Using fulvic acid with antibiotics

Is It Safe Using Fulvic Acid With Antibiotics?

When your doctor prescribes an antibiotic course, you can be certain that continuing with your CHD-FA™ supplement is safe. In fact the great news is that CHD-FA™ will make your…
CHD-FA And The Absorption Of Minerals

CHD-FA™ And The Absorption Of Minerals

Carbohydrate-Derived Fulvic Acid (CHD-FA™) is a chelator, it possesses the ability to bind to minerals and other nutrients when ingested. Fulvimed undertook a study at a prominent university to test…
CHD-FA an Antibiotic Alternative for Animal Agriculture

Antibiotic Alternatives for Animal Agriculture

The use of antibiotic alternatives for animal agriculture is becoming increasingly necessary as there have been studies on the residual effects of animal antibiotics on human health. There are many…
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