Viru-Fend™ Cough Syrup is for the whole family with antimicrobial & anti-inflammatory properties. Reduces wet & dry coughing episodes.
Candyfloss Mint Flavour Contains:
Honey 500mg
Reduces nighttime coughing and improves sleep. Effective cough suppressant.
CHD-FA 50mg
CarboHydrate Derived Fulvic Acid (CHD-FA™) is a well-known antioxidant agent assisting nutritional uptake.
Ivy Leaf 35mg
An expectorant and helps reduce the frequency and intensity of cough. Relieves chronic bronchitis and soothes acute inflammation of the airways.
Thyme 25mg
Has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. Relieves cough by relaxing muscles involved in coughing. Thins and decreases mucus Reduces inflammation in the airways (bronchitis).
Eucalyptus Oil 3mg
Eucalyptus oil helps loosen phlegm, so many people breathe in eucalyptus steam to help treat bronchitis, coughs, and the flu.
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